Learn to see the Christian life for what it truly is - The Greatest Adventure ever!!!! Through humor and real life talk, we will grow together to see how life can become even more than we have ever imagined when we truly learn to live as God has intended us to live where He has placed us.
What's Hair Got To Do With It?
We all like to look and feel good about ourselves, but let's face it, not every day is going to be a good hair day! What's a girl to do? Let's look into Scripture together and see what our Heavenly Father has to say about those days when we just aren't "feelin' it."
Who's Driving Your Bus?
Based on the principles in Jon Gordon's book, The Energy Bus, we will discover who is hijacking your life and stealing your joy.
What Are You Chasing?
Let's take a look together to see where our priorities are placed and what has captured our time and attention.
Each topic has been designed for a 30 - 45 minute presentation, but any topic can be modified for your group or meeting. Need a specific topic, just let me know, and give me time to pray!